Carrollton Manor Apartments
560 Sanders St
Carrollton ,  AL 35447
(205) 367-8196

Start On-Line Application

First, lets start with your application for Carrollton Manor Apartments.

Submit your application fee by following the steps listed below.  

You will need your credit/debit card and know your rent payment amount. Please use the brief instructions below to complete a payment. Thank you for making Carrollton Manor Apartments your home.

  • Click “Buy Now” Button
  • Fill in your Payment information
  • Fill in your Billing information (Customer ID CMAPPFEE)
  • Type in the Security code that you see on the screen
  • Click “Submit”

Accept Credit Cards
Please use the Buy Now button below to start the payment process. 

Please remember that the Customer ID is  CMAPPFEE

AUTHORIZATION NUMBER from the Application fee payment screen is required to complete the online application.

BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR AUTHORIZATION NUMBER.  This will be required to complete the on-line application


Now,  Lets submit your application for Carrollton Manor Apartments.